Jesus is the good news & the illustration below is a summary of the context of which this gospel was going to come into.

God & Mankind were meant to live together.

Of all the perfect things God gave to Adam & Eve. One those most precious, was the ability to choose.

We messed up and decided we knew a better way than God’s way.

Adam & Eve’s choice impacted the world.
It broke both God’s heart & our relationship with Him.

What we broke, God chose to restore.

For God so loved the world that he gave His only Son. Jesus was God’s solution to mend the relationship & offer something no one else could; A fresh start with a guarantee, that death is not the end, but the beginning of eternity with Him.

Read any of the gospels in the new testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John) & they all draw upon the narrative of the life of Jesus; His words, His works, His Character & all the events associated with Him. The whole of scripture points to the arrival, death, resurrection, ascension & return of Jesus.

It’s important to know that the story is primarily about Him & who He is, but significantly & wonderfully we each have been & are being called into this story. For this is the will of a gracious creator God who loves His creation.

You have a place in this story.